fredag 22 oktober 2010


Det finns mängder med uppfattningar om vad man äter i olika länder. Turkar frossar i kebab, kineser i ris, tyskar i korv, italienare i pasta och danskarna vräker bara i sig wienerbröd. Alltså helt sant och utan fördomar.
Läste en artikel i en tidning med rubriken "Apetizing and famous dishes of the Scandinavian region" som fick mig att le. Där beskrevs vad den vanligaste maten var och vilka rätter man skulle äta som besökare här i Norden.

Crayfish, accompanied with strong Snaps and traditional loud songs helps the drunk people of Scandinavia through dark and rainy nights in the fall.
Salmon, the staple food in Scandinavia, usually prepared smoked or “gravad” and served with the classic Hovmastarsas and boiled potatoes that you have to peel yourself.
Meatballs, are famous because IKEA in store restaurants placed Meatballs on the gourmet map.
Pickled Herring, is eaten several times a week in these countries. It´s served with classic sauces such as mustard or French onion.
Crispbread, is a throwback to the long harsh winters and the need for Scandinavians to preserve their food.

Caviar, not the expensive Russian caviar but a cheap version usually made with red roe, is an everyday accompaniment for crispbread. The most popular brand is called “Kalles"

Jag saknade egentligen bara Ärtsoppa och Halv Special i en annars helt korrekt och fördomsfri artikel......

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